Values and Ethos
‘Changing lives for the better – forever!’
We Aim
- To provide a caring, Christian ethos where children and adults can learn and develop with confidence, creating a lifelong love of learning.
- To place teamwork and co-operation at the heart of the school.
- To create stimulating and dynamic environment in which individuals feel safe and secure and are confident, adaptable and well balanced.
- To encourage and welcome the church and wider school community into the daily life of the school.
- To encourage everyone to show care, courtesy, respect and consideration to all, in an atmosphere of mutual trust and co-operation and understand their responsibility to others and the world around them.
- To value creativity, individuality and initiative in a culture of praise and encouragement.
- To develop spiritual awareness and a sense of awe and wonder in their lives and in God’s creation.
- To foster attitudes of pride, self-esteem and motivation enabling individuals to gain independence and self-discipline and achieve their full potential
- To provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which is stimulating and exciting and meets the needs of all individuals.
- To provide equality of opportunity for all and value diversity.