Class 2 2023 - 2024

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Welcome to Class 2!

Class 2 is a mixed Year 1 and 2 Class taught by Mrs Challinor and Mrs Jeevan.

Ms Johnstone is our fantastic teaching assistant.

Madam Eloise will be teaching French on a Wednesday afternoon.  Mrs Hague will be teaching R.E. on a Tuesday afternoon and Mr Elliot teaches PE on a Friday afternoon. 

 Summer Term Curriculum Update

Throughout this term we will be learning about Humans, Animals and Staying Healthy in Science.  We will look at our senses, the lifecycle of humans and other animals and how we can keep healthy through diet and exercise.  

In Geography we will be learning about the continents, looking specifically at the hot and cold parts of the world. We wiill then study explorers in History, looking at who are explorers and where have some explorers travelled in different periods of time.  

In English, we are going to be reading the books  'Grandad's Island' and 'The River' . We will use this text to write our own adventure stories, animals reports and letters. 

In Maths, we will be looking at Multiplication and Division, Place Value, Fractions, Time, Statistcs, Money and Position and Direction.

In Art, we will be exploring 3D sculptures through clay.  We will learn to shape and decorate clay, make a pinch pot and make a clay tile with houe features.

In DT we will be looking at cooking and nutrition.  We are looking forward to our trip to Pizza Express to make our own Pizza and we will then learn to cut fruit and design and make our own smoothies at school. 

In computing, we will be learning Digital Photography, Online Safety, Coding and Using Beebots.  

In PHSE and RSE we will be looking at Economic Wellbeing and Transition.  

In RE the children will be looking at Baptism and Creation Stories.  

In PE this term, we will be developing our skills in athletics and we will also be learning to perform some dances based around the theme of animals.   

Useful Things to Remember

P.E.- We have P. E. every Monday and Friday.  Please leave your P.E. kit in school and we will send it home when it needs washing. 

Book bags and water bottles should be brought in to school each day.

Homework- Homework will be sent out every Friday and must be completed and returned by the following Tuesday please. Homework completion is always rewarded with a sticker or dojo.

Maths- Please encourage your child to use the 1-minute maths app regularly to help improve their fluency in maths. 

Spellings- Please practise the spelling of common exception words which can be accessed on the link below.

Pupils also have their own login to Spelling Shed, this is a great, enjoyable online spelling app. Please click the link below to access. Your child's login details can be found inside their reading records.

Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words

Spelling Shed

Reading- Please listen to your child read at home as often as possible. Reading at home is rewarded with stickers or dojos. Please see the links below for more information about our reading books and access to our phonics sound mats.







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