Class 3 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Class 3!

In Class 3 you will find Mr Olver and our fantastic TA, Mrs Jones. We currently have 25 pupils from year 3 and 4.

Madame Eloise will be teaching French on a Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Middleton will be teaching PE on a Thursday afternoon and Mrs Hague will be teaching RE, also on Thursday. 

Throughout this term we will be learning about 'Movie Magic' in Science. Here we will be exploring all about light and sound and how it has impact on our everyday lives. We will be learning about how light travels, how shadows are made, what differnet sources of light there are and how transparent, translucent and opaque objects impact on the way in which we can see things. In our sound topic we will discover how sound moves through vibrations and how the pitch of a sound impacts on how well we can hear it. 

In history, we are looking at The Romans in Britain. Throughout this topic we will be finding out how and why the Romans invaded Britain, the battles that took place whilst they were here, what you had to do to be a member of the Roman army and why Hadrian's Wall was built. As part of the topic, we are very excited to be going on a trip to Chester to find out about what life was like, to explore the galleries and to become a member of the Roman army for a day. Here we will march through the city and take part in training drills to prepare us for battle. 

Maths this term will include the topics of Fractions, Decimals, Money, Time, Shape, Statistics and Position & Direction.

In English, we are going to be reading 'Into The Forest' by Anthony Brown. We will use this text to write our own 'lost narrative' stories. We will also be writing newpaper reports about someone who is lost. 

In PE this term, we will be developing our skills in football and we will also be learning to perform some dances linked to our work on the Romans where will explore how to perform a battle scene. We will also be playing rounders and will be exploring a range of differnet sports in athletics.

In Art, we are exploring drawing through differnet media and will be focusing on the use of charcoal to develop tone and shadowing. We will also be designing and making different prints and looking at the impact they can have.

For our PHSE work this term we will be exploring money and how we need to develop our awareness of it, be able to budget for things and how it can make us feel both in a positive and negative way.

Maths homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and should be returned on a Friday. English homework will be set on a Friday and will be returned the following Tuesday. Each week the class will be set a number of spellings on Spelling Shed. They will be set on Friday and the children have a week to go over them and develop their spelling knowledge. We also strongly encourage the children to regularly access Timestable Rockstars to help develop their understanding of their tables. Over the course of the year there will be 'Rock Battles' within our class and also against other classes in school.  

A busy term awaits!

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